active 1979-2003, marine engineers, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, British Woodcoxon Engineering (International) Limited 1979 - 2003
1979-1998, consumer eelctronics, defence, music electricals company, Britain Thorn EMI Electronics Ltd. 1979 - 1998
1981-1990, manufacturer of robotic arm kits, Twickenham, England Colne Robotics Company Limited 1981 - 1990
1981 – current (2022), manufacturer or assistive technology for people with disabilities, included products such as EZ KeysTM and Say-It! SAMTM. Words+, Inc. 1981
active 1980-current (2010), manufacturer of 'Sharpsafe', Welsh; British Frontier Medical Products 1980
1981- (current 2015), financial services; manufacturer of biometric computers, United States Bloomberg LP 1981
1979-current (2008), materials, astronomy & physics research institution, Chilton, England STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 1979